Reporting Module Guide

Reporting Module Guide

Call Center Studio - Reporting Guide



Functions of Keys in Reports;

It is used to apply filtering on behalf of the agent, queue name, start and end times in the report.

It is used to export the report in excel format.

It is used to refresh the report table.

Types of Reports in This Manual

  1. Queue
  2. Hunt Group
  3. Agent
  4. Call
  5. Campaign
  6. Interactive Voice Response
  7. Reviews
  8. Satisfaction Survey
  9. Integrations

3.4.1. Queue Reports

Under this report title in the manual; Queue Performance Report and Queue Hourly Performance Report are included. Queue Performance Report

Call information about the selected queue on the specified dates is accessed here. If the queue is not selected, a report is received on all queues created on the tenant. Filtered report results can be downloaded in excel format optionally. Queue Hourly Performance Report

Hourly call information and SL / SL2 / AR percentages related to the selected queue are accessed. Optionally, it can be downloaded in excel format.

3.4.2. Hunt Group Report

Call results of Ip Phone users included in Hunt groups are accessed. For the Hunt group, the report can be filtered by selecting the start and end time.

3.4.3. Agent Reports

Reports under the title of Agent;

  1. Agent Performance Report
  2. Agent Performance By Queue
  3. Team Performance
  4. Agent Status Detail
  5. Queue Membership
  6. User List Agent Performance Report

In the Agent Performance report, the performance report of the selected Agent can be accessed. Information such as how much the Agent has been in which status, how many answered calls or outgoing calls have existed can be accessed. It can be downloaded in Excel format.

Topics in the Report;

Agent Email

Agent Name

Agent’s name

Agent Custom Id

Agent’s Custom Id


Date the call arrived

Total Calls

Total number of incoming + outgoing calls

Total Talk Time

Total talking times of incoming + outgoing calls

Total Avg Talk Time

Total incoming + outgoing call average talk times

Total Local Release

Total number of calls terminated by the agent


Total number of calls answered by the agent

Inbound Talk Time

Total talking time of incoming calls

Inbound Avg Talk Time

Total of average talking times of incoming calls

Inbound Local Release

Sum of incoming calls terminated by the agent

Abandon Calls

Unanswered calls

Outbound Attempts

Total number of failed outgoing calls

Outbound Calls

Total number of outgoing calls

Outbound Talk Time

Total talking time of outgoing calls

Outbound Avg Talk Time

Total average talking times of outgoing calls

Outbound Local Release

Sum of outgoing calls terminated by the agent


Total time that the Agent remains in AVAILABLE status


Total time that the Agent remains in RINGING status


Total time that the Agent remains in DIALING status


Total time that the Agent remains in TALKING status


Total time that the Agent remains in CHAT status

After Call Work

Total time that the Agent remains in ACW status

Wrap Up

Total time that the Agent remains in WRAP UP status


Total time that the Agent remains in BREAK status


Total time that the Agent remains in LUNCH status


Total time that the Agent remains in MEETING status


Total time that the Agent remains in TRAINING status


Total time that the Agent remains in OUTBOUND status

Back Office

Total time that the Agent remains in BACK OFFICE status

Total Duration

Sum of the time spent in statuses (including custom statuses)


The number of times the call is put on hold

Hold Duration

Total time elapsed when the call was put on hold

First Login

Date / time when Agent entered the system for the first time during the day

Last Logout

Date / time when Agent exited the system for the first time during the day

Number Of Logout

Total number of Agent exit from the system during the day


The time spent in the status included in the production is written.

Break Lunch

Total time in break + lunch status

Training Meeting

Total time in Training + Meeting statuses

Special Status

Total time in Special status

Answered Speed

The time that the Agent spent answering the call Agent Performance By Queue

These are the reports that show the call details and the status of Agents regarding the queue of incoming and outgoing calls. The report can be filtered according to the Agent and the date and can be downloaded in excel format. Descriptions of the fields in the report are the same as the Agent Performance report, only the Agent Special ID field is not added in this report and the Queue field is added.

Topics in the Report

Agent Email / Agent Name / Agent Custom ID / Date / Queue / Total Calls / Total Talk Time / Total Avg Talk Time / Total Local Release / Inbound / Inbound Talk Time / Inbound Avg Talk Time / Inbound Local Release / Abandon Calls / Outbound Attempts / Outbound Calls / Outbound Talk Time / Outbound Avg Talk Time / Outbound Local Release / Available / Ringing / Dialing / Talking / Chat / After Call Work / Wrap Up / Break / Lunch / Meeting / Training / Outbound / Back Office / Total Duration  Holds / Hold Duration / First Login / Last Logout / Production / Productive Custom Status / Break Lunch / Training Meeting / Custom Status / Answered Speed Team Performance Report

Call information of Agents in a certain team and status details of Agents in the team can be accessed. It can be downloaded in excel format, which can be filtered by team name and date. The descriptions of the fields in the report are the same as the Agent Performance report, the only difference is the Team name has been added to the report

Topics in the Report

Agent Email / Agent Name / Agent Custom Id / Date / Total Calls / Total Talk Time / Total Avg Talk Time / Total Local Release / Answered / Inbound Talk Time / Inbound Avg Talk Time / Inbound Local Release / Abandon Calls / Outbound Attempts / Outbound Calls / Outbound Talk Time / Outbound Avg Talk Time / Outbound Local Release / Available / Ringing / Dialing / Talking / Chat / After Call  / Back Office / Total Duration / Holds / Hold Duration / First Login / Last Logout / Number Of Login / Production / Productive Custom Status / Custom Status / Break / Lunch / Training / Meeting / Other / Answered Speed / Notanswering Agent Status Detail

It is the reports that the status of the agents, the time / date intervals they change their status, the time they stay in a status are displayed in detail. Filtering can be done by agent, team and date. In order to view the report, it must be downloaded in excel format.





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7 Queue Membership 

There is included user information in queues, the current status of users and priority values in a queue are here. If desired, the report can be downloaded in csv format. User List

All users registered in Tenant and their authority status are listed. It can be downloaded in Excel format.

3.4.4. Call Reports

Reports included in this guide are:

  1. Call Detail Report
  2. General Call Traffic Call Details Report

The report includes detailed information of all calls. Filtering can be done according to queue, Agent name, Start and End time. If voice recordings are requested to appear in the report, "Include voice record URL" option should be selected. It is optional to name the report, and the report can be downloaded in an excel format without any name. A pop-up crop up to inform you that the report has been prepared, and the report is loaded by clicking the link. The report can also be downloaded using the download button in the list.

Topics in the Report explained in the Manual

Call ID

The ID of the call.

Call Unique ID

Unique ID of the call


Channel from which the call came and exited.


If the call is in the queue, it is specified as "1" if it is not "0".


If the call is answered, it is indicated as “1” and if not answered, it is indicated as “0”.

Answered By

Agent who answered the call.


If the call is assigned to the Agent, it is indicated as "1", if it is not assigned, it is specified as "0"


If the call is abandoned, it is indicated as "1" and if answered, it is indicated as "0".



Call Date

The date and time when the call fell into the system.

Queue Date

The date and time when the call was queued.

Connection Date

The date and time when the call was connected to the customer representative.

Hang Up Date

The date and time the call was closed.

Wait Duration

The duration the call waits in the queue,

Call Duration

The duration of the interview.


The number of times the call was held by the agent.

Hold Duration

The length of time that the call is held by the Agent.

Service Level

If the incoming call is answered within the service level, it is indicated as "1" and if not answered, it is indicated as "0".

Short Call

If the call is closed at the service level, it is indicated as "1".

Caller ID

Phone number of the caller.

Called Number

Phone number of the person called.

Call Direction

The incoming call is called “Inbound” and an outgoing call is specified as “Outbound”.


Indicates which queue the incoming or outgoing call came for or which queue they exited from.


Agent’s name

Agent Custom Id

Agent’s Custom Id

Local Release

If the Agent has closed the call, it is indicated as "1" and if the customer has closed it, it is indicated as "0".

Voice Recording

If there is a voice recording for the call, it is indicated as "1", if the voice recording is not logged or if it is not present, it is indicated as "0".

Custom Variables

Call variables defined in IVR.

Source Tenant

Tenant's detailed report of the call

ACD Date

Delivery date of the call.

ACD First Queue

Queue where the call was first sent.

Last Attendant Step

The menu step where the call was ended.


Tagging for the call.

Transfer Tenant

Tenant sending the call by internal transfer or virtual number.

Transfer Tenant Agent

The agent who made the transfer.


Automatic result codes are written about the status of the call (Chanunavail, cansel, answer, busy)

IVR Elapsed Time

Total time in IVR General Call Traffic

The information of the Executive Summary Report sent to the users according to the Daily, Weekly and Monthly options is available via e-mail. (Identification is made from User Notification Settings.)


3.4.5. Campaign Reports

Campaign report;

1. Call History

2. Finish Codes

3. Last Finish Code Call History 

These are the reports that display the results of campaign searches, call information, custom fields, notes, planned visit dates (redial date) and scripter results. It can be filtered by the Start-End Date, -loaded list (data), Agent and campaign name. The report must be downloaded in excel format in order to be displayed.

A pop-up crop up to inform you that the report has been prepared, and the report is loaded by clicking the link. The report can also be downloaded using the download button in the list. Finish Codes

These are the reports in which the numbers of the cause-effect codes and result codes of the campaign are shown collectively.  The results of the codes marked by the Agents at the end of the call appear in this field. The report can be downloaded in Excel format. Last Finish Code

The result code of a number last call in the campaign is written in this report. In the report, information such as contact information of the number called, other numbers and the number of appointments, if the visit was created, can be accessed.

A pop-up crop up to inform you that the report has been prepared, and the report is loaded by clicking the link. The report can also be downloaded using the download button in the list.

3.4.6. Interactive Voice Response Report

Routing Performance

The Routing Performances in the Welcome menu can be accessed here. These are the reports that have the “Log” option selected when creating IVR steps. It is also the reports of how many times IVR steps are taken between the selected dates and the total waiting times in the steps.

3.4.7. Review

Agents' calls are evaluated using quality evaluation forms. Evaluation results can be found in this report. It can be filtered by agents, team leaders and dates. It can be downloaded in Excel format.

3.4.8 Satisfaction Survey Reports

These are the reports that reach the keying values made by the customers, in response to the satisfaction survey questions defined in IVR. Reports can be filtered according to start/finish date, phone number and can be downloaded in csv format. 

3.4.9. Integrations

In this section, there are headings in which connections of different services that the system is integrated can be used. Regarding these integrations, the guidance of the Call Center Studio technical team should be consulted regarding the installation and use.

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