To access Queues, from the administrator screen, press the button shown below:
They are lines in which the automatic call distribution system (ACD) keeps inbound calls to distribute to customer representatives in the event that no appropriate customer representative is. Lines can also be used in order to prioritize call and customer representative, and to report service level.
Adding Queue
Press the new button to add a new Queue.
Definitions are as follows:
- Queue: Queue is named.
- Priority: It is used to determine which Queue callers are primarily included.
- Priority starts from 100. Default value is 100.
- Service Level Measurement: It is used to calculate service ratio for calls to be replied in a while to be determined.
- Service Level Target: It is determined through the proportion of calls replied in a while determined to calls replied out of the said period. It is used to see Service Level (SL).
- Standby Time: Standby time is written in wrap up status when call is finished.
- Short Call Time: It detects calls replied out of the determined period as missed calls. It is of importance in terms of determination of a target.
- Ringing Time: It is the period to wait for a re-transferring caller in the event that created does not answer after the caller is transferred to the customer representative.
- Spill-over Strategy: It is used to transfer caller or cancel calls when it exceeds a determined period.
- Timeout Period: Period for spill-over is determined here.
- Pop up: It is defined to open any pop-up before customer representative when any call is received. Necessary parameters and definition of URL which opens pop-up are enough. “Third party” applications can also be used. Integration for”Zoho “has been made in our system as a sample. Zoho is a crm program.
- Standby Music: It is music listened to by the caller while he/she is waiting in Queue. They are announcements loaded in the system in the background.
- Outgoing Call Prefix: It is the field that is compulsory to be filled. A unique value must be written.
Updating Queue
Edit button is used to update an existing Queue. Screen that will open in front of you is as follows. Users to be added to Queue can be selected through (users)” tab. Callings to be made by users waiting in Queue can be arranged in ‘(Calling Rules)’ tab.
Adding Customer Representative to Queue
Any user desired can be selected in the dropdown menu for a specific queue, priority values can also be defined here.
Queue Notifications